Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Anchoring heuristic

People may not say thank you. You may not get the credit you deserve. Nobody may be giving you applause. But rest assured, when you serve others, there is applause for you in heaven. – Joel Osteen

One of the hardest things in life is putting the needs of others before your own needs, but I guess it’s a gradual process and a journey that one needs to make to reach that level of dedication. Charles dickens explains this current age quite aptly “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness” where the biggest challenge we face is prioritizing ls and setting goals. Life is never easy, no one really said it would be, you need to understand that there is a time for everything,

I think we all are after closure and that is one of the reasons why we look to blame people for our own incompetency. Being the person at the receiving end its important to pick the right battles, the rules and consequences of engagement are known. Sometimes being quiet is the key. For the advice bit, do what you love and hope that things will eventually fall into place. For the reality check bit, be careful who you trust, emotional investments are essentials, but hurt the most as well, when shit gets real, look out for yourself. 

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