Friday, February 5, 2010

Deviled Lunches

It’s not always that simple, u just can’t look back and say when this decline started. I love playing with emotions and ideas to get out the real bigots in people. Even in the worst of times, I’m still better than so many. This post initially hand a deep and profound meaning to it initially but I’m going to resort to a very superficial issue as usual.

One thing that I love the most is attention, I love it when people sit around and talk about be, it is usually bad, but then that doesn’t come as a surprise. Yes this very blog has been a target of hate and ridicule, but then again all great things are. When people feel threatened by some ones might or great they tend to resort to ridicule. For example, in Pakistan the most jokes are made on Pathans, they are the one single race of strong warriors that can rule the subcontinent; the Sikhs in India are treated much in the same way. I do lash out at people I’m angry with or just plain hate them, that’s wrong why ?!!!

Just recently, I was presented with an opportunity to enjoy lunch with relatively new friends but seriously an awesome bunch. Not all were entirely happy with my inclusion as it was bought to my attention. But I didn’t care, analyzing the whole scenario I think it was more a territory issue than anything else. I wouldn’t like it if some handsome guy would walk into my group of friends and draw all attention and make me the object of ridicule, but in such a case I would have to admit my inadequacies’, and boy you are inadequate in more ways than one. It’s convenient for you to ask help when u need to buy cute stuffed toys for your beloved (who so doesn’t like you) and quite convenient to cut someone out. Reality check you don’t have that power, you my delicate little sensitive friend should worship the ground I walk on. I’m a free bird I’m an eccentric man who people love, you can’t stop that, and I always say life is a great leveler I got a new friend to replace you, and ya shes better looking. Maybe I shouldn’t give away so much about myself in my posts but I have a lot to offer.

Moral of this blog, well there isn’t one really. Hate per se is merely an absolute rejection of, and disgust in, a particular thing. If that thing is bad hate can be a very powerful force for good. If one hates evil, one will fight against it for good. But if a person is incapable of hate - they often will not have the courage and fortitude to fight for good. The problem with hate is when it is misdirected. And that is what we need to guard against - not hate itself - but hating those who should be loved. A wise man once said: Hate was created to teach us how to love. If only we would love what we love with as much passion as those who hate what they hate.


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